Kol Cambridge

Chanukah is here! We know you’re looking for perfect musical accompaniment to your doughnuts and latkes and Kol Cambridge is here for exactly that reason with a collection of contemporary and classic Chanukah related tunes to get you in the holiday mood.


Or - Alon De Loco
Light a Candle - Sarit Hadad
El HaOr - Subliminal ft Momy Levy
Banu Choshech LeGaresh - Subliminal & HaTzel
Hanukkah Oh Hanukkah - Diwon vs Erran Baron Cohen
The Chanukah Song - Adam Sandler
Sevivon Hip Hip Hop - YeladuJazz
Ocho Kandelikas - Hip Hop Hoodios
Banu Choshech LeGaresh
Yamei HaChanukha
Ma Oz Tzur
HaNerot Halelu
Chanukah Chag Yafe
Al HaNisim - Izhar Cohen
Ner Li
Mi Yemalel
Avi Hadlik Nerot Li
Kad Katan
MiSheOssoh Nissim - Shlomo Carlebach

Direct download: KC_14-12-17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00am CEST